Meeting Rooms

Outlook Vs ecobok

How is a Room Booking System Better Than Office 365 Calendar

Microsoft Office 365 provides a great and convenient way to book meeting rooms. There are several benefits to the calendaring system such as: While these benefits satisfy most of the customers who intend to use the meeting rooms as is, many others feel that the controls and rules in place are either lacking or require technical expertise to implement. Some of …

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People Walking Outside Meeting Room

Implementing cross-departmental charging in meeting room booking system

None of us are strangers to meetings. If you work in the corporate world, you are bound to be called into a meeting.  According to a report by INC, executives spend about 23 hours a week in meetings on average.  Meetings help attendees to share ideas, make decisions, determine future goals and foster team bonding.   Offices need …

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Meeting Room With People

Improving Office Space Utilization with Occupancy Sensors

Real estate occupies a significant proportion of the operating expenses. Making the best use of the office space benefits the owner in terms of increased productivity and reduced operating expenses.   While the modern workplace utilizes tools such as meeting room and desk booking software to manage the workplace and increase its utilization, there are …

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Open Seating Area For Offices

6 Ways To Book Meeting Rooms and Desks

It’s only natural that different users will have different preferences on how they would like to book a meeting room or reserve a desk. So, the booking system must offer flexibility. This is exactly what a simplified booking system like ecobook does — It provides different methods of booking a meeting room or a desk.  With …

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Room Display Tablet Mounted Outside Meeting Room

Meeting Room Digital Signage – Benefits and Challenges

In today’s fast-paced and technologically advanced world, digital signage has become increasingly popular across various industries. One area where it has gained significant traction is in meeting rooms.  Meeting room digital signage refers to digital tablets mounted outside the meeting rooms that display the meeting and status information of the room.  According to a report …

Meeting Room Digital Signage – Benefits and Challenges Read More »

Open Seating Area For Offices

5 Ways To Improve Room & Desk Usage In The Office

How you use your office space can make a tremendous difference to your bottom line. Improving your office room and desk utilization can help cut costs, improve functionality, increase productivity and even positively impact the employee experience. According to this report, providing workers with freedom of choice in the workplace makes them happier and more productive …

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Man Entering Meeting Room

Building Digital Tools Into New Office Space Designs

Are you moving to a new office?  Remember, workplace technology can make your business cost-effective and your employees more productive.   Organizations that are moving into a new office space are increasingly adopting digital technologies. According to a source, the value of the digital workplace market is set to surpass $75 billion by 2027.   When asked, …

Building Digital Tools Into New Office Space Designs Read More »

Woman Talking On Phone In Meeting Room

7 Common Room Booking Frustrations That Can Be Solved Using A Room Booking System

Can you envisage an organization without meetings?  Almost all organizations set up and attend meetings to discuss strategies for growth. According to available data, 15% of an organization’s time is spent on meetings.  Post-pandemic, with the number of employees coming to the office increasing, there is a lot more demand for meeting rooms.   Hybrid work …

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